Early Childhood Education
Wholesome Beginnings is an in-home multi aged preschool located in Ham Lake, MN where your unique child can thrive each day. The moment your child walks through the doors at Wholesome Beginnings they will be greeted with a warm welcome as they step into their creative learning space. Children will enjoy traditional circle time and thematic units which include activities to cover all learning domains. As children approach Kindergarten, an emphasis is placed on developing kindergarten readiness skills. Wholesome Beginnings provides more than childcare, your child will receive a high quality early childhood. Ample time is spent outside enjoying all the beauty and grit mother nature can provide growing children. Children share nutritious meals that are cooked here at Wholesome Beginnings. An emphasis is placed on creating friendships, practicing gratitude, growing in kindness, expressing positive mantras, enjoying our world, making messes and generating mental toughness all while enjoying a safe and nurturing environment. Guidance throughout our day is filled with presence and love so that children's days may be filled with security, joy and learning. This high quality preschool is taught from a degreed and licensed early childhood educator.
Multi-Aged Approach
An intentional child-centered philosophy
Wholesome Beginnings provides education for the 2-5 year old child. As enrollment begins, children must be 2 by September 2025.
This intentional muli-aged approach allows children to develop many skills and develop strong connections throughout their time at Wholesome Beginnings. Children absorb knowledge from their peers, embrace leadership opportunities, learn through natural observation, have a secure and reliable relationship with their caregiver, and develop close and respectful relationships with siblings and peers. The extended years spent together creates a strong learning community!

Embracing the curiosity and hands-on nature of children at this age as they explore their independence. Children will gain communication skills, cognitive comprehension and physical confidence.
Children's natural curiosity will be nurtured in a caring and educational environment. Child centered activities will focus on literacy, mathematics and social development.
School age
Thoughtful interactions based on the independent nature of school age children and their personal needs.
Contact Us
Ham Lake, MN
South of Lake Netta