Preschool Curriculum
Our curriculum is based on the standards of Minnesota's Early Childhood Indicators of Progress. There are seven skills encompassed within these standards; social & emotional, approach to learning, language & communication, mathematics, physical movement, cognitive, and science. This includes circle time, thematic units and ample time for children to engage in free play activities. Self-directed free play is a critical activity during early childhood development. As a passionate early childhood educator, I understand that children develop at different paces. Therefore, with thorough observation and loving support, the areas for individual growth are attained one step at a time.

Circle Time
Circle time is a time of connection that is magical, rhythmical, and predictable to bring out the joy of learning! We begin with a greeting to welcome all learners to our shared space. We enjoy a story together, have a shared reading experience ("I CAN read" mentality), move and groove to music and songs, and explore a mathematical or linguistic concept. Circle time is deeply interwoven with our thematic units.

Thematic Units
Wholesome Beginnings curriculum is developed around thematic units that typically last for two weeks. Circle time, books in the room, and supplemental activities give children an immersive experience to explore and learn about our themes. Supplemental activities can be linguistic, mathematical, scientific, inquiry based, artistic, musical or otherwise creative. Children explore many different tools and materials in our thematic units to truly encompass a well rounded preschool experience.

Creative Play
Children have ample time to engage in creative and uninterrupted play. Play is enjoyed both indoors and outdoors . Children enjoy this time with their peers while being in the comfort of loving support to develop the many skills acquired through play. Behavior guidance is based on the principles of Love and Logic, Conscious Discipline and the teachings of Janet Lansbrry. This trio of guidance promotes development of problem solving skills and positive peer-to-peer interactions.
Outdoor Exploration
Outdoor exploration is a key pillar of the learning process occurring at Wholesome Beginnings. Children have ample time each day to explore the world around us. As an outdoor enthusiast myself, I am excited to engage in the joys and challenges mother nature provides us.

Getting outdoors is of the utmost importance of every day at Wholesome Beginnings. Children learn very naturally in a natural setting. Given the opportunity to explore and discover children develop grit alongside a variety of skills. These include: social and emotional development, problem solving, turn taking, encouragement, self-control, assessment of safe risk taking. Ample time outdoors also encourages children to learn and appreciate the natural world around us.

Gear Provided
Being well equipped for the outdoors leads to a more positive outdoor experience for all. At Wholesome Beginnings I will provide weather appropriate clothing for your child while they are here. In winter, your child will be provided a snowsuit, -32 degree rated winter boots, mittens, hat and garter. For rainy weather your child will be provided a rainsuit and rain boots. You are welcome to provide your own outdoor gear if you wish but please know I value children being dressed properly for outdoor enjoyment!

Areas to Explore
Children will spend time exploring the areas at Wholesome Beginnings and areas within walking distance from our home. Our home is situated on 2.7 wooded acres with a large fully fenced in backyard to enjoy! Children will have the opportunity to create in a mud/snow kitchen, build stick forts, get pushes on a giant swing, use large muscles on a climber, balance on a log beam, and enjoy ample toys for a variety of creative play to take place. Grant Park is a very accessible location for us to walk to. We will spend time enjoying what the park has to offer as well as enhancing the open space here with toys brought from Wholesome Beginnings. Lake Netta Nature Trail is also within walking distance from our home and we will spend time on nature walks and exploring the trails.